Copper Trace Recommendation Report
Copper Trace
Recommendation Report
Increasing employee retention past the first 90 days
April 26, 2022
Prepared by: IUPUI w231 Professional Writing Skills Students;
Michael Peck, Avery Belch-Watson, and Sara Haddad
Prepared for:
Nancy Pollock: Executive Administrator at Copper Trace
Spring 2022
Table of Contents
This section summarizes the recommendation report and includes key findings and brief introduction to the final recommendations.
This section of the report is focused on providing the reader with information about how the data was obtained. It discusses both the methods used to find and analyze the online research for recommendations and the methods used to collect and analyze the data from our survey of Copper Trace employees.
This section takes the ideas collected from our research, which have been organized in the review of literature and begins to form the basis for our recommendations from them. The topics discussed in this section are not the actual recommendations, but rather the logic and research behind them. The different subsections of this section are related to one of the recommendations presented in the next section. This section's purpose is to provide the evidence that supports the recommendations our team is making for Copper Trace.
This section is the culmination of our team's work: it is the final collection of recommendations and their desired effects. This section organizes the solutions for the challenges you presented our team with.
The appendices store any information that is important and relevant to the report or our team's recommendations, but did not fit well in the report.
This section is focused on the primary research done by our team. It organizes the information by topic and focuses on synthesizing the raw information into collections of related information that relate to a specific aspect of our goal. Additionally, the review of literature serves as a collection of all of the research done as our team assessed your challenge and how best to solve it.
Appendix A: is a collection of the raw data and some organized data from the survey of Copper Trace employees.
Appendix B: is a brief summary of the HR software referenced in one of our recommendations, as well as a look at cost and included tools as they relate to the recommendation in more depth.
Appendix C: is a comprehensive layout of how to effectively enact a mentoring program as recommended by our team.
Appendix D: is a collection of resources about how to receive management training and tips for the implementation of the Uncommon Leader program.
Copper Trace is a long-term care facility located in Westfield and Carmel, Indiana.

Their facility offers rehabilitation, assisted living, and memory loss support.
They are finding difficulty in retaining employees past the first ninety days of employment.
This recommendation report concludes our findings from over 150 hours of research, and what we found to be the best methods to help Copper Trace's dilemma.
About the Team
Year: Sophomore
Major: BS Psychology
Experience in W231:
I feel that I grew a lot as a professional writer and my skills in communication both academic and professional have grown. Overall, I feel the class has prepared me for real-world writing and professional opportunities.
Year: Freshman
Major: BS Social Work
Experience in W231: This course has allowed me to explore various types of professional writing. Along with expanding my vocabulary and writing style, I have also developed research methods that will assist me throughout my remaining college years.
Year: Senior
Major: Neuroscience BS
Experience in W231: As a student in professional writing skills, I have learned useful strategies that have allowed me to create a well-polished piece of writing. I will be able to use the knowledge I gained in this course in future pre-professional and graduate projects.
A special thanks to Karen Adan, who contributed to the final Review of Literature.